Phillips Sails has been a successful business for over 57 years. From the early days of 16ft Skiffs and small keel boats to the recent times with 18ft Skiffs, E22, 505, Melges 24 & a huge range of racing keel boats. The art of building a quality cruising sail is also part of the Phillips history. The company's claim of results over this period has been impressive.

Sailmaking has changed a great deal in the past 20 years and Phillips Sails has moved with the technology incorporating plotter, design software and on the water experience to stay at the top of the pack. As we move into the 21st century, sailmaking technology keeps moving at an even greater pace. So, we continue to change ...

At present, the business is going through its own changes. As we continue to service the local area, we are involved at the very pinnacle of sail design/construction & the latest materials on projects abroad. It is our vision to achieve a follow on effect of this technology learnt abroad & use it locally.

Bryan Phillips
0404 844 511

Craig Phillips
0414 453 547

62 Creek Reserve Road
Speers Point NSW 2284

Copyright © 2025